...find your project
...apply for your project
  • please contact projektSERVICE at an early stage of your project planning so that we can plan detailed proposal-checks
  • projektSERVICE will create a WIKI-page for your application, where you can find all important information and LaTeX-templates
  • find some useful tools for calculating the personnel costs of your project
  • visit one of the training, events to get more information on a call
  • get in contact with successful colleagues
  • organise your proposal submission phase with the online-workplan of projektSERVICE
  • projektSERVICE will help you with all needed signatures - please mind the internal ratification deadlines
...administrate your project
  • get useful information for the start of your project
  • get instructions on how to draw up an employment contract
    FAQ: "What should I do when I want to recruit a new employee or need an employment contract for myself?"
  • see the Welcome-page, which should help you with the start of your employment at the Faculty of Mathematics
  • get help with the personnel costs of your project
  • find several guides for traveling and reimbursement of other costs
  • before arrival of a guest, please fill out the visitor form
  • if you want to run a conference we can assist you with our conference management tool
  • projektSERVICE can help you with your budget-reports
  • if you want to run an online questioning ,projektSERVICE can create and host it for you
  • if you have any questions concering GDPR (DSGVO) please contact projektSERVICE