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finding a programme
Where can I get a good overview of the most important funding programmes?
On or webpage ➥FUNDING/OPEN CALLS you will find awards and funding programmes ordered by funding source or funding type like
Here you can find the standard ➥FUNDING PROGRAMMES. BM, ERASMUS, ERC, FFG, FWF, H2020, Marie Curie, OeAW, OeAD, WWTF Förderprogramme Preise Frauen weiblich Doktorand junge Forscher
Herre you can check your ➥ELIGIBILITY for the standard funding programmes.
Is there a limit of ongoing FWF projects and submissions?
Yes - please mind the restriction on the number of ongoing projects and the submission of funding applications.
Anzahl Einreichungen Stand Alone stand-alone begrenzung laufende projekte
Where to find upcoming deadlines for funding programmes?
Go to ➥Deadlines or the ➥projektSERVICE-CALENDER to see all upcoming deadlines.[open calls, BM, ERASMUS, ERC, FFG, FWF, H2020, Marie Curie, OeAW, OeAD, WWTF]
Kalender zukünftige deadlines
Where do I get all relevant information on an open call?
Please check the website ➥FUNDING/OPEN CALLS or enter a key word in the ➥search field.[BM, ERASMUS, ERC, FFG, FWF, H2020, Marie Curie, OeAW, OeAD, WWTF]
informationen offene calls antrag anträge suche
Where can I find information events for open programmes?
Go to ➥Trainings, Events or to ➥projektSERVICE-CALENDER to see upcoming and past events.[trainings, seminars, webinars, conferences, BM, ERASMUS, ERC, FFG, FWF, H2020, Marie Curie, OeAW, OeAD, WWTF]
Kalender zukünftige Veranstaltungen vergangene Veranstaltungen Webinars
I don't find the right programme on the webpage of projektSERVICE. Where can I find additional programmes?
If you don't find the right programme in ➥FUNDING/OPEN CALLS please contact projektSERVICE or search in the ➥grant-database.
datenbank application anträge speziell weiter programme grants.at
How do I get support from successful colleagues?
If you want to contact successful applicants of former calls or if you want to help young researchers with your experience, please register at the ➥SOUNDING BOARD. projektSERVICE will act as an intermediary between the researchers.[application, submission, proposal check, support]
sounding-board erfolgreiche antragstellung bewilligungen unterstützungen junge forscher*innen erfahrung