klick on the icon to filter the FAQs
planning a project
Where can I get a good overview of the most important funding programmes?
On or webpage ➥FUNDING/OPEN CALLS you will find awards and funding programmes ordered by funding source or funding type like
Here you can find the standard ➥FUNDING PROGRAMMES. BM, ERASMUS, ERC, FFG, FWF, H2020, Marie Curie, OeAW, OeAD, WWTF Förderprogramme Preise Frauen weiblich Doktorand junge Forscher
Herre you can check your ➥ELIGIBILITY for the standard funding programmes.
Is there a limit of ongoing FWF projects and submissions?
Yes - please mind the restriction on the number of ongoing projects and the submission of funding applications.
Anzahl Einreichungen Stand Alone stand-alone begrenzung laufende projekte
Where to find upcoming deadlines for funding programmes?
Go to ➥Deadlines or the ➥projektSERVICE-CALENDER to see all upcoming deadlines.[open calls, BM, ERASMUS, ERC, FFG, FWF, H2020, Marie Curie, OeAW, OeAD, WWTF]
Kalender zukünftige deadlines
Where do I get all relevant information on an open call?
Please check the website ➥FUNDING/OPEN CALLS or enter a key word in the ➥search field.[BM, ERASMUS, ERC, FFG, FWF, H2020, Marie Curie, OeAW, OeAD, WWTF]
informationen offene calls antrag anträge suche
Where can I find information events for open programmes?
Go to ➥Trainings, Events or to ➥projektSERVICE-CALENDER to see upcoming and past events.[trainings, seminars, webinars, conferences, BM, ERASMUS, ERC, FFG, FWF, H2020, Marie Curie, OeAW, OeAD, WWTF]
Kalender zukünftige Veranstaltungen vergangene Veranstaltungen Webinars
I don't find the right programme on the webpage of projektSERVICE. Where can I find additional programmes?
If you don't find the right programme in ➥FUNDING/OPEN CALLS please contact projektSERVICE or search in the ➥grant-database.
datenbank application anträge speziell weiter programme grants.at
When should I contact projektSERVICE?
Please contact projektSERVICE at an early stage of your project planning!
projektSERVICE will provide you with all relevant guidelines, check-lists and budget-planning-tools.
For the standard programmes projektSERVICE will prepare a ➥WIKI-page for your application, where you can find LaTeX-templates and additional information.[proposal check, email, support]
project service email richtlinien finanzen wiki seite fragen
What is the WIKI-proposal page for my application?
The ➥WIKI-proposal page, which is specially created for your application should help you to get a good overview about what is needed for the submission.
It is aligned to each specific funding programme and contains a lot of additional information and templates.
All recommendations from projektSERVICE concerning your proposal will be entered in this ➥WIKI-proposal page.
wiki seite wiki-seite wiki-page wiki page antragsstellung überblick latex verbesserungen proposal writing voraussetzungen
Where do I find LaTeX-templates for my proposal?
Please contact projektSERVICE as soon as possible!
For the standard programmes projektSERVICE will prepare a ➥WIKI-page for your application, where you can find LaTeX-templates and additional information.latex template, wiki, application
wiki seite wiki-seite wiki-page wiki page antragschreiben
Does projektSERVICE offer a proposal check?
Yes - projektSERVICE offers detailed proposal checks.
Please send already an early draft version to projektSERVICE.
projektSERVICE supports you through the whole application process and helps you with planing your budget and with all forms.
projektSERVICE creates a ➥WIKI-page for your application where all comments from the proposal-check are displayed.[support, forms, application, online submission]
antragsschreiben hilfe finanzen formulare empfehlungen erste version
How to calculate the personnel costs of my project?
Please go to our webpage ➥ COST CONTROL to find several cost calculation tools.
projektSERVICE can give you a projection of your planned personnel costs
finanzen personalkosten personal kosten berechnung planung
What is the "Action Plan for the Advancement of Women and Gender Equality" at the University of Vienna?
Please find here the ➥Affirmative Action Plan for the Advancement of Women and Gender Equality of the University of Vienna, which can be mentioned in your application.
frauenförderung sex-specific and gender-related issues
How do I get support from successful colleagues?
If you want to contact successful applicants of former calls or if you want to help young researchers with your experience, please register at the ➥SOUNDING BOARD. projektSERVICE will act as an intermediary between the researchers.[application, submission, proposal check, support]
sounding-board erfolgreiche antragstellung bewilligungen unterstützungen junge forscher*innen erfahrung
How can I organise my proposal submission phase?
projektSERVICE can help you to organise your proposal submission phase by creating together with you a proposal-workplan.
projektSERVICE has already proposal-workplans for some calls like ERC
but can also create an individual workplan for you:
➥https://www.univie.ac.at/projektservice-mathematik/workplan/proposal check, work-plan, deadlines
arbeitsplan zeitplan organisation einreichung management
What are the internal ratification deadlines?
Please notice the internal ratification deadlines:
- office of the dean: 3-5 days before the deadline
- office of the rector: 10-14 days before the deadline
See here the Internal Submission Procedure:
interne deadlines unterschriften dekan zeit rektorat vice rector vice-rector vizerektor
- office of the dean: 3-5 days before the deadline
Where do I get all necessary signatures?
§26 projects [ad Personam]
Please bring the signed cover-sheet to projektSERVICE. projektSERVICE takes care on the signauture of our dean and brings the signed cover-sheet to FWF.
§27 projects [the research institution submits the application]
➧ FWF Principal Investigator, Joint Projects, 1000-Ideas, ESPRIT, Elise-Richter: The application is submitted by the Faculty via ELANE - no signature is needed
➧ FWF START, SFB: The application is submitted by the Research Services (rector's office) via ELANE - no signature isneeded. Please get in contact as soon as you plan to submit in these programmes.
➧ all other §27-projects <€100k: the dean can sign the application (please bring it to projektSERVICE)
➧ all other §27-projects >€100k: the Research Services (rector's office) will take care on the signature
Please mind the internal ratification deadlines!
interne deadlines unterschriften dekan zeit rektorat vice rector vice-rector vizerektor deckblatt cover sheet einreichung
What happens after I've submitted a FWF-project in ELANE?
for "Application ad personam" (like Stand-alone project, International projects, Schrödinger-Fellowship,...):
- Please send the PDFs XYZ_NAME_Application.pdf and XYZ_NAME_Cover.pdf to projektSERVICE via E-mail.
- Sign the Cover-sheet and bring it to projektSERVICE
projektSERVICE will take care on the signature of our dean and will deliver the signed cover-sheet to FWF.
Only after the original signed cover-sheet has been deliverd to FWF the application is submitted!
You will get a note from projektSERVICE that the cover-sheet has been deliverd to FWF!
for "Application PROFI" (like SFB, Research-Groups, ESPRIT, START, 1000 Ideas..):
- please inform projektSERVICE as soon as you submit your application
- projektSERVICE (for ESPRIT, 1000 Ideas,..) or the Research Services (START, SFB, Research-Groups,...) will approve the application for the research institution.
After the formal check of FWF is done (2-3 weeks after submission) you will get an email from FWF, which contains the confirmation of submission and possible requests for corrections.
Please mind the internal ratification deadlines!
interne deadlines unterschriften dekan zeit rektorat vice rector vice-rector vizerektor deckblatt cover sheet einreichung einzelprojekt original unterschriften
Why does projektSERVICE need some documents of my application?
All applications of third party projects have to be recorded in the system u:cris.
This is done for you by projektSERVICE or Resarch Service, but some information is needed. See here which data are stored of your application.
ucris eintragung cover-sheet application pdf datenbank anträge antrag wissensbilanz informationen wiki
How can I sign a document digitally?
To get a document signed digitally you can use u:sign.
Please note: In order to use u:sign, you need an active Handy-Signatur (mobile phone signature).
digitale unterschrift contract vertrag
How to enter my project into the U:CRIS system?
projektSERVICE will enter your application and the basis data of your project into the U:CRIS-system.
For FWF-application we need the form "XYZ_NAME_application.pdf".
Please contact projektSERVICE if you want to have any changes done.
ucris datenbank database antrag anträge