Deadline: 2024-09-16
For highly qualified doctoral candidates (38.000 Euro/year, 24-36 months)
Deadline: 2024-10-15
Internal deadline: 2024-10-01
For promising early-career researchers with 2 to 7 years experience after PhD
Cut-off dates: PhD...
Annual work programme for the European Research Council funded by the European Union’s Horizon Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
Deadline: 2024-10-03
Internal deadline: 2024-09-19
for successful internationally visible researchers, 2-9 years after PhD, without a permanent...
Deadline: 2024-09-30
for 3 to 5 scientists working on complex research questions or developing new ones and pursuing interdisciplinary or...
Deadline: 2024-09-30
for 5 to 15 internationally outstanding researchers to establish research networks
Information Events
2024-11-28, 10:00-12:00 [German]
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