FAQ-projektSERVICE gesamt
Where do I get all necessary signatures?
§26 projects [ad Personam]
Please bring the signed cover-sheet to projektSERVICE. projektSERVICE takes care on the signauture of our dean and brings the signed cover-sheet to FWF.
§27 projects [the research institution submits the application]
➧ FWF Principal Investigator, Joint Projects, 1000-Ideas, ESPRIT, Elise-Richter: The application is submitted by the Faculty via ELANE - no signature is needed
➧ FWF START, SFB: The application is submitted by the Research Services (rector's office) via ELANE - no signature isneeded. Please get in contact as soon as you plan to submit in these programmes.
➧ all other §27-projects <€100k: the dean can sign the application (please bring it to projektSERVICE)
➧ all other §27-projects >€100k: the Research Services (rector's office) will take care on the signature
Please mind the internal ratification deadlines!
interne deadlines unterschriften dekan zeit rektorat vice rector vice-rector vizerektor deckblatt cover sheet einreichung