Where to get a good overview of all funding programmes?
On the webpage [FUNDING/OPEN CALLS] you will find awards and funding programmes ordered by funding source or funding type like
Here you can find the standard funding programmes.
[BM, ERASMUS, ERC, FFG, FWF, H2020, Marie Curie, OeAW, OeAD, WWTF]
Where to find upcoming deadlines for funding programmes?
Click in the projektSERVICE-CALENDER on [Deadlines «] to see all upcoming deadlines.
[open calls, BM, ERASMUS, ERC, FFG, FWF, H2020, Marie Curie, OeAW, OeAD, WWTF]
Where to find information events for open programmes?
Click in the projektSERVICE-CALENDER on [Trainings, Events «] to see upcoming and past events.
[trainings, seminars, webinars, conferences, BM, ERASMUS, ERC, FFG, FWF, H2020, Marie Curie, OeAW, OeAD, WWTF]
Where do I get all relevant information on an open call?
Please check the website [FUNDING/OPEN CALLS] or enter a key word in the SEARCH FIELD.
You can browse here through the standard funding programmes.
[BM, ERASMUS, ERC, FFG, FWF, H2020, Marie Curie, OeAW, OeAD, WWTF]
When should I contact projektSERVICE?
Please contact projektSERVICE at an early stage of your project planning!
projektSERVICE will provide you with all relevant guidelines, check-lists and budget-planning-tools.
[proposal check, email, support]
How can I organise my proposal submission phase?
projektSERVICE can help you to organise your proposal submission phase by creating together with you a proposal-workplan.
projektSERVICE has already proposal-workplans for some calls like ERC
but can also create an individual workplan for you:
[proposal check, work-plan, deadlines]
Does projektSERVICE offer a proposal check?
We offer a detailed proposal check.
Please send already an early draft version to projektSERVICE.
We will support you through the whole application process and will help you with planing your budget and with all forms.
projektSERVICE provides the possibility to share your documents safely with us via u:cloud.
[support, forms, application, online submission]
How do I get support from successful colleagues?
If you want to contact successful applicants to former calls or if you want to help young researchers with your experience, please register at the [SOUNDING BOARD]. projektSERVICE will act as an intermediary between the researchers.
[application, submission, proposal check, support]
Where do I get all the necessary signatures?
projektSERVICE will take care of all the necessary signatures. For FWF-applications please send your cover-sheet to projektSERVICE.
Please notice the internal ratification deadlines:
- office of the dean: 3-5 days before the deadline
- office of the rector: 10-14 days before the deadline
See here the Internal Submission Procedure
[online submission, application, host institution]
- office of the dean: 3-5 days before the deadline
What should I do when I want to recruit a new employee?
For recruiting a new employee you need the form "Personnel Record Card for Project Team Members" [PA/AP].
Please bring the signed form [PA/AP] to projektSERVICE! We will send this form to the personnel department. Do not send the form on your own since we have to enter the employment in our database!
Please don't forget that you also need
projektSERVICE can also help you with the announcement of the open position.
Find here the intra-net webpage for "Successive contract regulations (new)".
[contract, PhD, Senior PostDoc, §109, Kettenvertragsregelung]
How to calculate the personnel costs of my project?
Please go to our webpage [cost calculation] to find several cost calculation tools.
projektSERVICE can give you a projection of your planned personnel costs.
[employee, budget, PhD, senior postdoc]
How can I have my expenses refunded from my project funds?
Reimbursements of receipts and online conferences are done via q:flow.
please contact Michael Dorninger (michael.dorninger@univie.ac.at) [office 10.140] for assistance.
[budget,invoices, quästur, travelling, conferences, abroad]
How to get invoices paid directly by the university (Q-Flow)?
Please use Q-FLOW - the Electronic Incoming Invoice Workflow of the University of Vienna.
- Information Sheet for Purchasers
- Merkblatt für Besteller/innen
- (Incoming) Invoice Processing in Q-Flow
projektSERVICE can function as comptroller (Rechnungsprüfer) for your project.
[reimbursement, bills]
Where do I get help concerning visa problems?
Please contact projektSERVICE for visa counseling!
[residence permit, municipal authorities, social security, insurance]
How to manage the vacations of your project members?
For each project member an [ELEKTRONISCHES URLAUBSBLATT] is needed. projektSERVICE can help you with creating and editing this file (see this manual).
You can make a request for vacation using the form [URLAUB].
A detailed description of the leave regulation you can find here in the intranet (GERMAN)
[holiday, leave, employee]
What should I do when I want to invite a guest?
Before arival of the guest please fill out the [VISITOR-FORM]. An office request and a hotel reservation request can be placed there.
After the visit Michael Dorninger (michael.dorninger@univie.ac.at) [office 10.140] can help you with reimbursement of the costs from your project account. Please use form [FIN/K2] for reimbursement.
[workspace, research fellow, office request, host]
Will the FWF refund a social dinner during an event?
Yes, this is possible, under two conditions:
1) The dinner may not take place on the last day of the event.
2) No alcoholic drinks can be funded.
[budget, invoices, reimbursement, conferences]
How to organize a conference/workshop?
projektSERVICE offers a Conference-Management-Tool, which enables you to create a web-presentation, registration- and talk-management. Please fill out this form if you are planning to organize an event.
You can see here some references.
[webpage, registration, meeting, international workshops, organizer, committee]
What to do if a press article about my project is published?
projektSERVICE would love to hear about any press article concerning your project! We will put it online in our PRESS-REVIEW and also enter it into the U:CRIS-system. You can submit here a new article.
[newspaper, report, presentation, success]
How can I provide OpenAccess of my research results?
projektSERVICE can help you with following OpenAccess options for research publications:
Gold Open Access
Open Access to publications is ensured through direct publication in an Open Access venue.Hybrid Open Access
If offered by publishers and if explicitly chosen by FWF-funded authors, the costs of Open Access to single contributions in a subscription venue (Hybrid Open Access) can also be covered. The journals or proceedings have to be listed in Web of Science or Scopus.Green Open Access
Open Access to publications can also be ensured by self-deposition of the author’s accepted manuscript (after peer-review but prior to publishers copy editing and production) in any sustainable subject or institutional repository (see Section II, Archiving). If there is a restricted period during which such archiving is not permitted, the period should not be longer than 12 months.
For the GREEN OPEN ACCESS you can use U:SCHOLAR - a repository of University of Vienna (please pay attention on the embargo-time of your journal - not longer than 12 months).
[publications, licenses, phaidra]
Where to get the correct numbers for my budget reports?
For §26 projects (FWF,...) you will get a report from DLE Finanzwesen und Controlling. You have to sign this report and forward it to FWF.
For §27 projects (WWTF,...) projektSERVICE will prepare the correct numbers for you. Please ask for an "EXTENDED SAP-REPORT" by filling out this form.
[reporting, non personnel costs, financial, annual report, funds, ERC, FFG, FWF, H2020, Marie Curie, OeAW, OeAD, WWTF]
How to enter my project into the U:CRIS system?
projektSERVICE will enter your application and the basis data of your project into the U:CRIS-system. Please contact projektSERVICE if you want to have any changes done.
[budget, IAN, presentations, publications, talks, results]
[ADDITIONAL SUPPORT] Is there a Day Care Center for children?
Day Care Center
The Children’s Office runs 5 half-day or day care groups on 3 different locations. This service is offered to members of the Vienna University (scientific personnel, non-scientific personnel, students).
[CONTRACT] What are the new "Successive contract regulations"?
Please follow these links in intra-net:
[§109, Kettenvertragsregelung]
Examples of possible constellations -
[CONTRACT] What is the 6-years regulation for employment at the university?
Please see following documents:
[CONTRACT] What is the gross/net salary of standard FWF-funded personnel?
For the Standard personnel costs and gross salaries for FWF project proposals please visit the following web-page:
For calculating the net salaries please use this tool:http://onlinerechner.haude.at/bmf/brutto-netto-rechner.html
[CONTRACT] What should I do in the case of sickness?
- Notification of Sickness
Please fill out (if possible on the first day) the form "Notification of Sickness resp. Return to Work after Sickness (PA/K1)"! It has to be signed by the "Person responsible for Time Management" (e.g. project leader) and be sent to Personaladministration. - Return to Work after Sickness
Please fill out the same form and enclose (in case of inability to work that lasts more than three working days)- medical certificate
- notice of accident
download "Notification of Sickness resp. Return to Work after Sickness (PA/K1)"
For any questions you can contact Martina Weisgram (martina.weisgram@univie.ac.at, +43-1-4277-50610) for more information.
- Notification of Sickness
[CONTRACT] Which form should I use for an "Application of Leave of Absence"(LOA)
Please use the form [PA/F7] Application of Leave of Absence (LOA).
[CONTRACT] Which form should I use if I want to recruit a new employee for my project?
For project team members please use the form [PA/AP] - Personnel Record Card for Project Team Members.
For contractors download the form [PA/E2] - Data Sheet for Contractors.
Please bring the signed form [PA/AP] to projektSERVICE! We will send this form to the personnel department. Do not send the form on your own since we have to enter the employment in our database!
[EVENTS] How to use the Sky Lounge for my event?
[OPEN-ACCESS] How can I provide Open Access by using PHAIDRA?
One way to fullfil the Open Access-requirements of FWF is by uploading your publications into Phaidra - Permanent Hosting, Archiving and Indexing of Digital Resources and Assets - the repository of the University of Vienna. Please pay attention to the embargo-time of your journal.
For more information please contact projektSERVICE!
[OPEN-ACCESS] How does Open Access at the University of Vienna work?
Please visit https://openaccess.univie.ac.at/en/
This website is dedicated to the Open Access-related services at the University of Vienna. It aims to support and advise you in your questions and activities on the topic.
[OPEN-ACCESS] What is the Open Access policy for FWF-funded projects?
To this end, the FWF requires and supports all project leaders and project staff members to make their peer-reviewed research results freely available through the Internet.
Mandatory Open Access Options for Research Publications
- Gold Open Access
- Hybrid Open Access
- Green Open Access
- Please keep in mind that you can also fullfil the requirements of FWF by uploading your publications into PHAIDRA - the repository of University of Vienna. Please pay attention on the embargo-time of your journal.
[OPEN-ACCESS] What is the Springer Compact - Open Access?
The Springer Compact provides Open Access publishing in over 1,600 Springer subscription journals without additional fees for researchers:
[OVERHEADS] What is the overhead policy of the university?
[PROPOSAL] How to use a GANTT-CHART in LaTeX?
[PROPOSAL] Is there a limit of ongoing FWF projects and submissions?
[PROPOSAL] What is the "Action Plan for the Promotion of Women" at the University of Vienna?
[PROPOSAL] What is the internal submission procedure of a project?
Please see here this flowchart!
[PROPOSAL] What is the PIC, VAT, short name, legal form,... of the University?
Here you can find the "Basic Data of the University of Vienna".
[REFUNDING] How to get a notebook from an FWF grant?
It is very important that you contact FWF before you purchase a laptop.
Please write an email to FWF which explains why this laptop is necessary for your project - the project reference is very important!
After you've got the approval by FWF please contact our computer group (helpdesk.mathematik@univie.ac.at), which will carry out the order of your notebook.
[REFUNDING] How to get invoices paid directly by the university (Q-Flow)?
Please use Q-FLOW - the Electronic Incoming Invoice Workflow of the University of Vienna!
- Information Sheet for Purchasers
- Merkblatt für Besteller/innen
- (Incoming) Invoice Processing in Q-Flow
[REFUNDING] Which currency converter should be used for the reimbursement?
[REPORTING] What is the deadline for annual or final reports to FWF?
Please check your contract!
Usually it is
- three months after the end of the project for the final report;
- end of March for annual reports.
[REPORTING] Where to sign on the final report to FWF?
The scientific final report has to be sent to FWF via email and needs not to be signed.
Only the financial report has to be signed by the PI.
[SAP] How can I see the detailed costs and the personnel costs of my project?
In SAP double-click on the sum of the year in "Gesamtsaldo" to see the detailed view.
For personnel costs double-click on the number in the line "Personalkosten". You can use the filter function for selecting a specific employee.
[TRAVEL] Do I need any special travel insurance on my business trip outside EU?
Yes! Please note that you don't have any additional travel insurance by the university on your business trip.
It is highly recommended to contract additional travel insurance if your destination is outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Norway or Switzerland. For Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro or Serbia your insurance card (eCard) is valid, but you should order a special document from the Austrian insurance company ahead of your trip.
The travel insurance can be refunded by project funds.
[TRAVEL] How to refund travel expenses?
see also "Reiseabrechnungen 2017" [German]
Please use one of following the forms:
[PA/R2] - Travel Expense Reimbursement Form
The following employee travel expenses at the University of Vienna are to be settled exclusively via the University Office for Human Resources and Gender Equality (because individual components may have an impact on ‘tax exempted income’):
- All fixed reimbursement amounts, e.g. daily expense allowances (daily allowance and accommodation expenses), kilometre allowance (fuel, road charges, parking tickets,etc.)
- Train costs without receipt, public transport without receipt
- Private food/restaurant bills
- Travel cost advance payments
- Settlement of travel costs for which advance payments have been granted
- Fixed relocation expense reimbursements
- Tickets for public transport (“Netzkarten”)
- ÖBB Vorteilskarten (reduction cards) (Confirmation of the authorised signatory if used for private reasons as well)
[FIN/K6] - Travel Expense Reimbursement Form (Accounting & Finance)
Travel expense claims issued by employees of the University of Vienna which do not contain any fixed reimbursement amounts, but solely reimbursements based on original receipts (proof of payment) are operated by the University Office for Accounting & Finance:
- flight costs, train costs
- hotel costs
- meals (business meals and work meals only!)
- congress, seminar and conference participation fees
- travel and cancellation insurance
- communications (telephone, internet)
- Travel expense claims issued by non-employees of the University will only be pro-cessed by the University Office for Accounting & Finance.
"FIN/K2 - Invoicing Form Guest Lectures / Scientific Activities"
Travel expense for guests.
[TRAVEL] What are the daily and overnight allowances?
See here the "Daily and overnight allowances within Austria and abroad"
Please use
- "Stufe 1" for employees without academic degree
- "Stufe 2a" for employees with academic degree
- "Stufe 3" for professors
[TRAVEL] Which form to fill out before an official trip?
see also "Reiseabrechnungen 2017" [German]
Please use the form [PA/R1] Application for approval of a duty travel.
[VISITOR] What should I do before a guest arrives (visitor form)?
Please fill out this form before the arrival of the visitor! You can also leave a hotel request.
[VISITOR] Where to find German courses at the University of Vienna?
Please follow the link of "Sprachenzentrum Universität Wien":
- [PA/AP] - Personnel Record Card for Project Team Members [PDF]
- [PA/AP] - Personnel Record Card for Project Team Members [WORD]
- [PA/D1] - Notification on End of Employment [PDF] [WORD]
- [PA/B8] - Application - Educational Leave of Absence (ELA)
- [PA/E2] - Data Sheet for Contractors
- [PA/H1] - Freelance services contract as Contract for work and services
- [PA/F7] - Application of Leave of Absence (LOA)
- [PA/K1] - Notification of Sickness resp. Return to Work after Sickness
- [PA/R1] - Application for approval of a duty travel
- [PA/R2] - Travel Expense Reimbursement Form
- [PA/S2] - Application on Special Leave
- [FIN/D1] - Invoice for global budget and project budget §27 (EN) (DE)
- [FIN/F1] - Data Record Sheet for Financing of § 27 Projects (EN) (DE)
- [FIN/K2] - Invoicing Form Guest Lectures / Scientific Activities
- [FIN/K3] - Disbursement of Scholarships
- [FIN/F3] - Declaration of agreement wages account
- [FIN/K6] - Travel Expense Reimbursement Form (Accounting & Finance)
- [FIN/Z2] - § 26 - Internal authorisation to clear invoices
- [FIN/Z3] - § 27 - Authorised Representative
- Elektronisches Urlaubsblatt
- [URLAUB-HP2] - Vacation
Ausstellung von Rechnungen, Zahlungsnachweise:
§26 FWF:
interne Verrechnungen:
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