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running a project
What should I do when I want to invite a guest?
Before arrival of the guest please fill out the ➥VISITOR-FORM. An office request and a hotel reservation request can be placed there.
After the visit Michael Dorninger [office 10.140] can help you with reimbursement of the costs from your project account.
For this, please send the ➥reimbursement data sheet with all attachments either to him or directly to reisekosten.mathematik@univie.ac.at.
You can find detailed instructions in German also in ➥[u:wiki].
gast gäste einladung büro hotelreservierungen besuchen
What should I do when I want to invite a guest?
Before arrival of the guest please fill out the ➥VISITOR-FORM. An office request and a hotel reservation request can be placed there.
After the visit Michael Dorninger [office 10.140] can help you with reimbursement of the costs from your project account.
For this, please send the ➥reimbursement data sheet with all attachments either to him or directly to reisekosten.mathematik@univie.ac.at.
You can find detailed instructions in German also in ➥[u:wiki].
gast gäste einladung büro hotelreservierungen besuchen