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 running a project

What should I do when I want to recruit a new employee or need an employment contract for myself?

If you want to create a work contract for you our for a project member you have to fill out the form [PA/AP].

Please sign this form and sent it with all necessary documents (see [PA/AP] page 3) to projektSERVICE.

In addition projektSERVICE needs

  • the u:account-ID of the future employee (if you don't have a u:account you can create one here: u:account)


  • the SAP-Position-Number (SAP-Planstellennummer) of the employment - see the ➥Guide: SAP-Planstellennummer
    [Note: If you do not yet have access to HRFI projektSERVICE will provide you with this number]

projektSERVICE will send the documents to Human Resources and Gender Equality - this has to be done 14 days before the begin of the employment.

arbeitsvertrag anstellung projekt mitglied phd postdoc aufnahmebogen

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What should I do when I want to recruit a new employee or need an employment contract for myself?

If you want to create a work contract for you our for a project member you have to fill out the form [PA/AP].

Please sign this form and sent it with all necessary documents (see [PA/AP] page 3) to projektSERVICE.

In addition projektSERVICE needs

  • the u:account-ID of the future employee (if you don't have a u:account you can create one here: u:account)


  • the SAP-Position-Number (SAP-Planstellennummer) of the employment - see the ➥Guide: SAP-Planstellennummer
    [Note: If you do not yet have access to HRFI projektSERVICE will provide you with this number]

projektSERVICE will send the documents to Human Resources and Gender Equality - this has to be done 14 days before the begin of the employment.

arbeitsvertrag anstellung projekt mitglied phd postdoc aufnahmebogen

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