How can I refund my travel expenses?
Reimbursements are done online via the HR&FI services. Under „Invoices, Travel & Financial Reports“ choose either „Reimbursements“ or „Travel Accounting“.
- only receipts (no food in FWF projects)
- requested documents: receipts/invoices, train tickets – booking confirmations do not suffice!
- also possible without travel request
- possible until the end of next calendar year
- receipts and allowances (per diems, kilometre allowance for car and train)
- requested documents: receipts/invoices, tickets, boarding passes, payment confirmations – booking confirmations do not suffice!
- travel request needed
- when an advance payment has been requested or a taxable receipt shall be reimbursed
- possible until 6 months after the trip (or the end of employment if that's sooner) - note that the month you're travelling in already counts as month #1!