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starting a project
How do I start my FWF project?
- You have to upload
- a PR-abstract (Specifications PR summaries) in German and English,
- a copy of your residence registration="Meldezettel" or your passport and also
- the Data Management Plan (DMP)
- Please define the date of project start:
- 0-6 months after the decision you don't need any explanation
- 6-12 months after the decision please send a short explanation for the delayed start to FWF
- >12 months the FWF board has to decide (not recommended!)
Please to fill out the "Grant areement data" in ELANE. Our dean Univ.Prof. Dr. Radu Ioan Bot (4277 50772, radu.bot@univie.ac.at) is the "Authorised signatory" - not you! Please bring the funding contract to projektSERVICE. It has to be signed by our dean (not by you!). For the ESPRIT project in addition to the funding contract we also need the "Unterstützungserklärung der Mentorin/des Mentors", signed by your mentor.
projektSERVICE will deliver the funding contract (and the "Unterstützungserklärung" for ESPRIT) to FWF.
Please don't forget: If you finance your employment by your project you have to apply for your an employment contract.
Please note: With the change to §27 projects, there are a number of steps that need to be taken to start the new project. The start of a new employment may therefore be delayed by up to 4 weeks.
beginn daten forschungsdaten start des projekts fördervertrag förderungsvertrag unterschrift reisepass arbeitsvertrag anstellung