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starting a project
How do I start my FWF project?
- You have to upload
- a PR-abstract (Specifications PR summaries) in German and English,
- a copy of your residence registration="Meldezettel" or your passport and also
- the Data Management Plan (DMP)
- Please define the date of project start:
- 0-6 months after the decision you don't need any explanation
- 6-12 months after the decision please send a short explanation for the delayed start to FWF
- >12 months the FWF board has to decide (not recommended!)
Please to fill out the "Grant areement data" in ELANE. Our dean Univ.Prof. Dr. Radu Ioan Bot (4277 50772, radu.bot@univie.ac.at) is the "Authorised signatory" - not you! The funding contract will be signed digitally by our dean. For the ESPRIT project please upload the signed "Unterstützungserklärung der Mentorin/des Mentors".
Please don't forget: If you finance your employment by your project you have to apply for your an employment contract.
Please note: With the change to §27 projects, there are a number of steps that need to be taken to start the new project. The start of a new employment may therefore be delayed by up to 4 weeks.
beginn daten forschungsdaten start des projekts fördervertrag förderungsvertrag unterschrift reisepass arbeitsvertrag anstellung