Guide: Travel requests

  • 1. Choose the app "Travel requests" in the section "Invoices, Travel & Financial Reports".

  • 2. Click on the "+" at the bottom of the left column.

  • 3a. Choose either "domestic travel" or "international travel".
  • 3b. Add the following info in the field "Note for trip": name of host organisation, addresses abroad (host organisation & hotel), and the phrase "I hereby confirm that no income will be received from third parties during the business trip."
  • 4. If you don't know the exact start and end dates of your trip yet, rather make the request a day too long than too short. For the time of day, an educated guess is enough.

  • 5. Indicate the estimated costs as information for the project leader. If you ask for a per diem, best go for € 25/day as an estimate. (More information on this in the FAQs.)
  • 6. Add costs by clicking the "+".
  • 7. You can ask for an advance payment if your costs exceed € 500,-. (More information on this in the FAQs.)
  • 8. Check if the employment section is filled in correctly. If you are a project leader, you should see the Dean's name. Otherwise, it should be the name of your project leader.
  • 9. Tick the box and don't forget to look for a travel insurance if needed. (More information on this in the FAQs.)

  • 10. Change the type of costs to "Internal order".
  • 11. Look for the right project by typing its name or number.
  • 12. Click on "Submit" to finish the process. If you don't want to submit yet, you can also save the request to edit it later. (In the overview, "Pending" in red means it's submitted. "Pending" in grey means it was only saved.)