Three Steps to your WIKI-proposal page

Step 1

If you have already an u:account you can skip this step and start with Step 2!

Please goto and create an u:account.

You can choose a UserID - please send this UserID to



Step 2

projektSERVICE will activate your u:account and send you an email to log into with your UserID and password. Please send an email to after you have logged-in successfully.

Step 3

projektSERVICE will create the WIKI-proposal page for your application and will send you the link. Only you and projektSERVICE will have access to this WIKI-proposal page.

The WIKI-proposal page, which is specially created for your application should help you to get a good overview about what is needed for the submission.

It is aligned to each specific funding programme and contains a lot of additional information and templates.

All recommendations from projektSERVICE concerning your proposal will be entered in this WIKI-proposal page.

Please click here ( to get a detailed description of the WIKI-proposal page.