Deadline: 2025-01-14
internal deadline: 2025-01-07
for completely new, daring or particularly original research ideas that lie outside the current...
For excellent researchers who have been awarded their first PhD at least 7 and up to 12 years prior to 1 January 2025. Cut-off...
Deadline: 2025-01-10
For early-stage or mid-career researchers who want to establish a new partnership (mainly travel and accommodation expenses).
Deadline: 2025-01-03
For early-stage or mid-career researchers who want to establish a new partnership (mainly travel and accommodation expenses)
Deadlines: 2025-01-01, 2025-03-13, 2025-05-29, 2025-10-01, 2025-10-29
financial support for international workshops
To support bilateral research projects with closely integrated content.