
Deadline: October 3, 2024

For successful, internationally visible researchers from all disciplines, including arts-based research, 2-9 years after PhD, without a permanent contract.


This programme will replace FWF-START and FWF-Richter.

Target group
The funding program is aimed at successful, internationally visible researchers from all disciplines, including arts-based research, who have already achieved a certain degree of academic independence (R3 level).


  • Offering researchers ideal conditions for conducting long-term research projects at a top international level, consolidating their individual research profiles, and acquiring the necessary qualifications for academic leadership positions.
  • Supporting outstanding women researchers
  • Establishing long-term career prospects through the integration of researchers and their research fields, creating sustainable added value for both researchers and research institutions


  • Doctoral degree: The date of the applicant's thesis defense or final examination must fall between 2 and 9 years prior to September 30 of the year of submission.
  • In the field of arts-based research, researchers who do not hold a doctoral degree can also apply. The prerequisite for eligibility is proof of at least 2 to 9 years of relevant experience in arts-based research according to international standards.
  • No tenured professorship or accepted appointment to a tenured professorship.
  • Researchers can submit a maximum of two applications to the ASTRA program and can only apply for an ASTRA Award once as the principal investigator.
  • Application guidelines are currently being developed and are expected to be available from July 2024

Advancement of women

  • Half of the FWF ASTRA awards are given to women; tenure package; career coaching and networking measures; child allowances

Duration and Amount of funding

  • From €500,000 to €1 million for a period of 5 years
  • An additional €200,000 tenure package for women ASTRA principal investigators who are granted a position with a permanent employment commitment upon fulfillment of a qualification agreement (e. g. tenure-track position) or a permanent academic leadership position (professorship or equivalent position) within the first three years of the project term.
  • Merit Awards: Projects presented at the hearing that do not receive an ASTRA Award will be funded as 3-year Principal Investigator Projects with a maximum of €450,000 each.

Via the FWF’s electronic application portal (elane).

  • Submissions will be possible from July 2024 to October 3, 2024 (2:00 pm Vienna local time).