In this workshop, Barbara Haberl (Department for Scholarships and Awards of the ÖAW) will go through all parts of a scholarship application to the ÖAW together with the participants. The focus is on the question for whom the information in the application is intended and how it can be prepared as target group-oriented as possible. The scientific CV and work on the proposal form a special focus.
Anonymous examples of successful applications are presented as examples. The program includes two thematic blocks with frontal and interactive elements. In the first part, information is provided on the assessment process and the criteria relevant for the selection of the scholarship holders; in the second part the formalities of the application and the content of the dissertation project are conveyed.
Target group:
The workshop is aimed at doctoral students who would like to apply for a DOC scholarship from the ÖAW. The workshop is intended to prepare interested doctoral students for the application and to impart knowledge of the content and formal requirements for a successful application
Prerequisite for participation:
The participants must already have a concrete dissertation project. Please send a short description of your dissertation project (5-10 lines) to
Participants are asked to familiarize themselves with the list of documents required for an application in preparation for the workshop. You can find the necessary documents on the website of the Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Appointment & registration
Summer semester 2020
- 14.05.2020, 14:00-17:00
Location: Seminarraum 2, DoktorandInnenzentrum, 2. Stock, Berggasse 7
Registration: Online registration
Registration for the workshops is only possible within the registration period via U: Space. Registrations via email cannot be considered.
Please note that the registration period for the respective workshops usually ends three weeks before the start of the workshop. After the registration period has expired, participants will receive a confirmation of participation by email to their unet Email Adress as well as further information on the workshop.
Trainer Barbara Haberl
Barbara Haberl studied American and German at the University of Vienna. She completed a postgraduate degree (Comparative Literature) at the State University of New York at Binghamton and received her PhD in 2011. Barbara Haberl lived in Munich from 1991 to 2004 and worked in a film trading company. Since April 2004, she has been head of the ÖAW grant and award administration office since October 2007.