Marie-Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship: Expression of Interest


Expression of Interest Programme - please register as Supervisor until 2021-03-23

What is a MSCA-PF?

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF) is a post-doc training programme in which the post-doc (fellow) gains additional skills and abilities working on a specific research project in a new environment, while also transferring their knowledge within their new institution. Open to all fields of research, fellowship applicants apply to work with a supervisor for a 24-month period.  

Why should you support a candidate for a MSCA Fellowship?

  • Attract a high-quality, postdoctoral researcher to your group.
  • Enrich the future research careers of successful applicants, often initiating further independent research development.
  • Enhance the visibility of your mentoring and leadership skills.
  • Enlarge your international network.
  • Bring additional expertise to your group.
  • In addition to funding the fellow’s salary, the fellowship offers superb mobility and family support allowances. The host also receives additional funds to support training and research activities of the fellow.


Supervisor’s Role

Supervisors work with the fellow on the proposal and submit the proposal on the Funding and Tenders Portal. In the application, in addition to the research project, the qualifications and experiences of the supervisor will be evaluated including: track record; international collaborations; familiarity with the proposed research topic; and supervising/training at an advanced level (PhD, post-doc). During the implementation of the fellowship, supervisors are expected to:

  • Integrate the fellow within the organisation – all parties should gain maximum knowledge and skills from the fellowship.
  • Ensure that the foreseen training-through-research takes place.
  • Provide regular support and guidance for personal and professional development of the fellow.


Expression of Interest Programme

For the upcoming call, Research Services and Career Development (DLE FSNF) will continue the Expression of Interest (EoI) programme to proactively attract more fellowship applications to the University. The opportunity to apply for a MSCA-PF at the University will be externally advertised (through e.g. EURAXESS, The Guild, Funding and Tender Portal). Potential fellowship applicants will be able to review a list of supervisors at the University interested in supporting an application. Applicants will then submit an Expression of Interest and C.V. to the DLE, which will collect and screen the applications and forward eligible applicants to the relevant supervisor. Supervisors will review the applicants and select their top candidate(s). The DLE will then work intensively with the candidate and the supervisor to prepare an application.

Extra Funding for a Third Year

The University of Vienna has again made additional funding available for the 10 top-ranked MSCA European Fellowships (top 5 male and top 5 female) awarded to the University (based on the score given by the European Commission). An additional third year of salary will be funded, allowing the fellow and supervisor to carry out additional research, publication, training or grant writing. As this third year is funded separately by the University, the activities should be related, but distinct to what will be carried out during the first two years of the project.

How to Become a Supervisor

A list of supervisors will be made available on a MSCA-PF dedicated website ( Supervisors interested in being included on this list are kindly asked to complete the Supervisor Form (doc) and return it by 23 March 2021 (to To increase the visibility of the EoI, supervisors are encouraged to advertise within their own networks and contact potential applicants.

By 17 May you will receive the applications of the interested individuals, pre-screened by the DLE for those who meet both the MSCA eligibility and EoI submission criteria. You commit to confirming your chosen candidate(s) to us by 25 May 2021. We will contact the selected candidate and outline the next steps and deadlines for preparing an application for the MSCA-PF submission deadline (expected to be 15 September 2021).