FWF - #ConnectingMinds


Deadline: 2025-02-13

for consortia of two to five internationally outstanding researchers at one or more Austrian research institutions to combine academic and social knowledge (transdisciplinary research)

Target group

The program is aimed at consortia of two to five internationally outstanding researchers at one or more Austrian research institutions.

Funding goals

The goal of the program is to give researchers the opportunity to initiate cooperative research projects that combine academic and social knowledge (transdisciplinary research). Funding is available for projects focusing on highly relevant current and future social topics, which will generate new research findings while also possibly identifying solutions to complex challenges. As a result, knowledge from different groups of people in society is interlinked with research activities, strengthening the dialog between science and society. Funding researchers’ capacity-building in transdisciplinary research is intended to support the application of a methodologically sound transdisciplinary research process.

Additional program-specific information

The program is divided into two phases:

In the first phase, two to five researchers can apply to conduct a #ConnectingMinds workshop. If their proposal is approved, the researchers can use this workshop to work together with the other project participants (including non-academic participants) to develop and advance their project idea and their planned research process for a #ConnectingMinds project.

The second phase is to submit the proposal for a #ConnectingMinds project based on the results of the workshop and to further elaborate the research project.

Funding period and funding amount

  • #ConnectingMinds workshop: 1–3 days
  • #ConnectingMinds workshop: maximum €12,000
  • #ConnectingMinds project: maximum 60 months
  • #ConnectingMinds project: maximum €1.25 million


  • Consortium of two to five researchers or arts-based researchers with research qualifications that meet FWF standards
  • High scientific quality by international standards
  • Innovative research approach that addresses a social issue as well as one or more specific challenges and develops possible solutions
  • Application of a transdisciplinary research process with the possibility of involving non-academic participants
  • Proposals should demonstrate a thematic relevance to one or more of the thematic groups named above
  • For further details, please see the application guidelines.

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