FFG Academy Online Training: Marie Skłodowska-Curie - Proposal writing for Doctoral Networks [MSCA-DN]


2024-06-12, 11:00-17:00

This training will support you in the process of writing a competitive proposal for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network (DN).


The interactive onsite training is complemented by short e-learning inputs before the training. During the event, we will cover the rationale of the programme and discuss important success factors for a competitive proposal. Participants will get the chance to read funded proposals and meet a coordinator and an evaluator for this programme.

The training is specifically designed for researchers at Austrian organisations planning to coordinate a Doctoral Network in the next call with deadline 27 November 2024. Project partners or non-applicants (research support units or similar) with Austrian affiliation are welcome to participate as well, provided there are still places available. 

Participation is free of charge. The training will be held in English.

The number of participants for this training is limited as we want to ensure interactivity and enough time for discussions. The technical registration does not alone qualify for a participation, and we reserve the right to decline registrations that do not fit the target group.

Please register until 27 May eob. Your participation will be confirmed 28 May.

After the training, participants are invited to stay for a small get-together. For sustainability reasons, please let us also know if you plan to stay for that.