European Research Council 2021 Starting and Consolidator Grant Calls: Workshop
The aim of the workshops is to provide participants with essential information concerning the submission of ERC Starting (ERC-StG) and Consolidator Grant (ERC CoG) Applications. The call deadline for the ERC-StG is planned for 9th March 2021 and for the ERC-CoG on 20th April 2021. The ERC Programme is open to all subject areas ie. bottom up.
The ERC-StG is aimed at researchers 2-7 years post-PhD who already have a proven excellent track record and important publications. The ERC StG will provide funding of up to 1.5 million Euros (for up to 5 Years) and will support the Principal Investigator to build their own independent research team.
The ERC-CoG scheme is aimed at researchers 7-12 years post PhD (or longer in certain cases) who can already demonstrate independent working and extensive research, in addition to important publications. The ERC Consolidator Grant will provide a maximum of 2 million EUR (for up to 5 years) and should support the PI in the strengthening of an already existing research group.
Further benchmarks could be monographs, patents, presentations at international conferences or prizes.
When and Where?
The DLE Research Services and Career Development Department will organise two workshops for the upcoming calls.
A first workshop will be organised on 15th December (15h – 17h) which will provide general information on the ERC-StG and ERC-CoG schemes. The Austrian ERC National Contact Point Ylva Huber from the FFG will also participate and give an overview of the ERC in the new Horizon Europe Programme.
A second workshop will be organised on 19th January (10.00-11.30) to specifically support researchers submitting applications to the upcoming calls. This workshop will be an opportunity to get in-depth information and feedback from two ERC laureates about their successful applications.
Both workshops will take place online and in English.
Please register at the following address: