Information and Communication Technologies
The 15th Vienna Research Groups for Young Investigators call 2024 is issued for up to three group leader positions as part of the WWTF’s Information and Communication Technology programme.
- It addresses Vienna-based universities and research institutions that intend to hire an excellent young researcher from abroad for setting-up and managing an independent research group. Active recruitment procedures are mandatory.
- The proposed field of research should contribute to fundamental scientific advancement in the area of AI/ML. A special emphasis of this call is to link AI theory with data and knowledge of other research fields.
- WWTF especially encourages Vienna-based research institutions to propose female group leaders.
- WWTF takes unconventional research careers into consideration.
- WWTF in total grants up to three positions with up to € 1.6 million per research group for six to eight years of funding. Please submit proposals online.
- For more details please refer to the VRG 24 "Call Specifications" and the "Submission Guideline".
Please note the University of Vienna specific information about the tenure track positions, which can be found here:
(internal deadline: 31st December 2023)