[CALL] WWTF - Vienna Research Groups for Young Investigators Call 2016


Deadline: 2016-07-14


Applications are being invited for outstanding early-career scientists (2-8 years post PhD), interested in building up their first independent research group in the field of "Complexity Science" at the University of Vienna.

The aim of this announcement is to source exceptional candidates, who, once selected, will then go on to submit an application together with an experienced scientist at the University of Vienna, to the current call for young investigators by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF): http://wwtf.at/upload/VRG16_web_final.pdf.  

In the case of a successful funding decision, the research group will be financed for 6-8 years, with up to 1.6 million EUR being provided by the WWTF, supplemented by an additional contribution from the University itself. After a successful interim evaluation, the University of Vienna will offer the group leader a tenure-track position.


Applicants should show exceptional promise, or a proven record of research achievement, within the field of Complexity Science. They should also provide strong evidence of their potential to make a significant contribution to substantial state-of-the-art scientific research questions in this particular research field. Female applicants are explicitly encouraged to apply.