[CALL] UNIVIE - Mentoring programme doc-muv


Deadline: 2020-07-12

for female doctorate students of UNIVIE

The Gender Equality and Diversity unit invites female doctorate students of the University of Vienna to apply for the mentoring programme doc:muv.

The second edition of the career development programme doc:muv for female  prae-doc scientists of all disciplines and faculties of the University of Vienna starts with the winter semester 2020/21. The three formats mentoring, group coaching and training are combined with each other. The three semester long programme gives the participants the possibility to strategically plan their scientific careers, to form personal relationships for their growth and to establish (peer) networks that cross discipline boundaries.

Applications should be sent electronically (as pdf) to mentoring.frauenfoerderung@univie.ac.at until July 12, 2020.