CLOSING DATE: 10th January 2025 – 12 noon (17:30 bulgarian time – for Bulgarian partners)
The programme for Scientific & Technological Cooperation (WTZ) is carried out in the frame of international agreements with selected partner countries with the aim to stimulate international research.
Thematic areas
Open to all scientific disciplines and thematic areas, including social sciences as well as humanities.
Target group
- Researchers at higher education institution (minimum requirement PhD degree) and researchers at non-university research institutions in areas of basic research (minimum requirement Master degree)
- PhD/Doctoral students as team members only (Bachelor and Master graduates are not eligible for funding)
Project applications submitted by early-stage researchers1 as well as project applications with involvement of PhD/doctoral students and/or female researchers will be prioritized2.
Please note: Only new project partnerships can be funded under this programme. Follow-up applications of already funded partnerships are not eligible.
A maximum of two projects can be submitted per Principal Investigator.
Applicants eligible to participate in this project selection procedure are only the following entities:
- Accredited universities as defined in Art.85 para.1, p. 7 of the Higher Education Act, which are accredited by NEAA to grant educational and scientific degree "doctor";
- Research organizations, according to §1, p. 1 of the Additional Provisions of the Act on Promotion of Scientific Research and Innovation and Research organizations as defined in Art. 47, para 1 of the Higher Education Act, which are accredited by NEAA to grant educational and scientific degree "doctor".
Detailed eligibility conditions are described in the GENERAL GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES FOR EVALUATION OF PROCEDURE "CALLS FOR PROJECTS IN PROGRAMS FOR BILATERAL COOPERATION" and the Appendix 'Specific conditions' for Austria, available at the web site of BNSF:
Funding will be provided for the mobility of researchers to carry out bilateral research projects.