[CALL] OeAW & FWF: Disruptive Innovation – Early Career Seed Money


for young researchers (not more than three years after their doctoral degree), whose projects suggest extraordinary potential of disruptive innovation

Deadline: 2023-10-31

Target group

The target group is outstanding young researchers not more than three years after their doctoral degree, whose projects suggest extraordinary potential of disruptive innovation. There is complete disciplinary and thematic freedom. Projects from all scientific disciplines in the field of basic research are eligible for funding. In particular, interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary research approaches and artistic-scientific approaches are invited to submit proposals (however, this kind of approaches are no prerequisite for an application).


Application requirements

  • Applications must be submitted individually (in personam by the researcher managing the project).
  • Only one application may be filed per person.
  • Exclusion of multiple funding: no funding must have been granted for the proposed project earlier. Applications with other funding agencies must be disclosed. Approvals by another funding agency must be notified immediately and will lead to exclusion of the application from the procedure.
  • The following are eligible for funding:
    • scientists who completed their 
      doctoral studies not more than 36 months ago (Doctoral degrees in sciences, medicine and arts will be accepted; calculated from their doctoral viva voce (Rigorosum), cut-off date: 31 October 2023). Pursuant to the Guidelines of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)times of parental or other leave of absence of up to 36 months due to illness, nursing duties, etc. may be taken into account.
    •  and are affiliated with a research institution in Austria.
  • Upon submission of the application, applicants must present approval from the research institute at which the project is intended to be carried out (declaration of consent). In the case of a change in the course of the process, approval from the new research institution must be evidenced by presentation of a declaration of consent.
  • The applicants are prepared to pro-actively contribute to the public presentation of the programme and to attend related events.


Funding term

Funding will be granted for a maximum term of 12 months.

Amount of grant

Grants will range from EUR 25,000 to EUR 75,000 per project. The total funding amount is EUR 2 million. Funds can be used freely, including for financing travel and accommodation costs in Austria and abroad, cost of materials, fees for use of laboratories, research equipment ("bench fees") and the like, or one's own staff costs (the latter for a limited term of six months in accordance with the staff cost rates of the relevant research institution).


The call for proposals is open to all topics and is published in all of Austria. Applications and the selection process, including the selection weekend, will be in English. The programme is being implemented by ÖAW and FWF jointly.