[CALL] Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers


Deadline: ongoing

For postdocs (up to 4 y after phD) for a 6-24 months research stay in Germany

Submit an application if you are a researcher from abroad with above average qualifications, at the beginning of your academic career and only completed your doctorate in the last four years. A Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers allows you to carry out long-term research (6-24 months) in Germany. Applicants choose their own topic of research and their academic host.

Scientists and scholars of all nationalities and disciplines may apply to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation online at any time. In recent years, approximately 25% to 30% of applications were successful. Short-term study visits, participation in congresses and training courses cannot be financed.

Eligibility criteria

Foreign academics staying in Germany are eligible to apply if they have lived outside Germany for a minimum of 12 months in total in the 18-month period prior to submission of the application. Any time spent in Germany within those 18 months is taken into account, regardless of duration or reason.

The aim of the programme is to enable highly qualified academics from abroad to come to Germany to conduct a research stay here. German citizens/educational residents* are thus not the target group of this funding programme. You are however eligible to apply if you are permanently working abroad and intend to return abroad immediately following the requested research stay.

We consider you to be permanently established in a foreign country if you have unquestionably been living and working abroad

  1. for more than 10 years or
  2. for more than 5 years and meet one of the following criteria that unequivocally indicate strong ties to your current country of residence:
    1. a permanent/tenured position;
    2. additional citizenship of your country of residence;
    3. permanent permission to reside in your current country of residence (e.g. permanent residence permit, green card etc.). Permission to reside based solely on your citizenship (e.g. for EU citizens as part of EU freedom of movement) is not accepted;
    4. other indications that you intend to permanently return to your current country of residence.