[CALL] FWF - Joint Projects: Taiwan - Austria


Deadline: 2021-04-08

New Call for Bilateral Research Projects and Joint Seminars

The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (MOST) jointly offer the possibility to apply for bilateral Austrian-Taiwanese Joint Research Projects and Joint Seminars.
Joint Research Projects enable the funding of closely integrated bilateral research projects for which funding must be secured in Austria and in Taiwan. The aim of Joint Seminars is to fund theme-based workshops or seminars for the purpose of initiating bilateral research co-operations and preparing proposals for joint projects.

Project applications must be prepared and carried out jointly by the Taiwanese and the Austrian partners and must be simultaneously submitted to FWF (Austrian team) and to MOST (Taiwanese team) in accordance with each agency’s application guidelines. Applications will be processed idependently by both organisations according to their standard evaluation and decision-making procedures.
Applications to FWF must include a letter of intent (letter or e-mail) in which the project partner confirms his/her intention to submit a matching parallel application to MOST.