[CALL] FWF - Joint Projects: Russia (RFMR) - Austria


Please note that the call with the Russian Foundation for Basic Research

(RFBR) will be closed by 1 October 2020 until further notice.

Applications can be submitted until 30 September 2020.

1.    Introduction

Since 2008, the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) have offered researchers the opportunity to apply for bilateral Russian- Austrian joint projects.

2.    Call procedure

Applications are handled according to the classic procedure, meaning that proposals must be submitted in parallel to the FWF (Austrian team) and to the RFBR (Russian team). In cases where a joint project is approved, the two parts of the project are funded separately by the FWF and RFBR.

3.    Deadline

Proposals are accepted continuously (there are no application deadlines) but must be submitted at the same time to FWF and RFBR with due attention to the requirements on both sides.

4.    Joint projects

FWF/RFBR joint projects are basic research projects (including clinical research) in which scholars from Austria and Russia cooperate in pursuing a common research goal. The projects should combine the complementary expertise of the project partners, and the project parts should be so closely integrated that one part could not be carried out without the other. In addition, both research teams are expected to make substantial scholarly contribution to the project.

5.    Project duration

Joint projects submitted in response to the FWF/RFBR permanent call are limited to a maximum duration of 4 years.