[CALL] FWF - Elise Richter Programme


*LAST CALL* - to be replaced by ASTRA

Deadline: 16 Jul 2024 14:00 Vienna local time;

For female senior postdocs who strive for a university career.

***Applications are still possible, however, due to the reform of its career development programs, the FWF will be offering a new funding program for advanced postdocs starting in the fall of 2024: the FWF ASTRA Awards will be replacing Elise Richter. For more information, please see the FWF ASTRA Awards program page or links below.***


Target group

Highly qualified female scientists and scholars of any discipline, who strive for an university career.


  • to support the academic career of highly qualified female scientists and scholars and to enhance their university career
  • after completion of the program a level of qualification should be accomplished which enables participants to apply for a local or abroad professorship. ("Habilitation" or equal qualification)


  • appropriate postdoctoral experience
  • international scientific publications
  • preparatory work related to the proposed research project
  • no age limit

12 to 48 months


  • personnel costs according to the current senior postdoc rate
  • project specific costs up to 15,000.00 € per year

Via the FWF’s electronic application portal (elane).

  • accepted continously (starting from October 3, 2022), no application deadlines
  • in English


  • by the FWF Board based on an international review process
  • generally in the March, June or November/December Board meeting