
Please click on the icon [POSITIONS]/[PLANSTELLEN] in FIORI [HR4u] to get the SAP-Planstellennummer for a planned employment.

  • Overview

Please set the date "Stichtag" to the start date of your project!

  • Organisationseinheit

Please choose your project in the column "Organisationseinheit".

  • Stelle

Please choose in "Stelle" the row of the planned position:

AUP = "Allgemeines Universitätspersonal" (Admin)

WUP = "Wissenschaftliches Universitätspersonal" (Researcher)

prae = praeDoc

post = postDoc

WV = "Werkertrag" (service contract)

  • Hauptplanstelle

In Hauptplanstelle you will find the SAP-Planstellennummer.

Please send this number together with the form [PA/AP], all required documents (see form page 3) and the u:account-ID to projektSERVICE.